Unique in France, Technocampus Ocean brings together more than 300 researchers who work with large corporations and local SMEs
Unique in France, Technocampus Ocean brings together more than 300 researchers who work with large corporations and local SMEs
The campus offers the best research conditions for major businesses and SMEs in the field of marine technologies. Unique in France, Technocampus Ocean opened in mid-October and aims to promote research in the areas of shipbuilding and marine renewable energy, focusing on metal processes and offshore structures.
350 eminent researchers
Because R&D is expensive, the goal of Technocampus Ocean is to share the cost of advanced equipment and academic and industrial research teams. Headed by the EMC2 competitiveness cluster, it will bring together 350 researchers and technicians in a huge 18,000 m2 facility, near Nantes.
Several large companies and start-ups have already moved in. The Technocampus is now the largest research centre of naval shipbuilder DCNS. It also hosts teams from Alstom, CEA Tech, Dassault Systèmes, STX France and regional companies like HydrOcean and ACB. All these companies will work hand in hand with the engineering schools and the University of Nantes.
They will be working on a number of technological challenges:
- Corrosion resistance and improving the durability of metal structures
- Digital simulation technologies
- New assembly methods and stronger welding processes
Resources for the industry of the future
This platform adds to the innovative ecosystem that is building the industry of the future around the Jules Verne Manufacturing Valley, which already has two other research platforms:
- The Technocampus Composites, dedicated to high performance composite materials.
- The Technocampus Smart Factory focusing on virtual reality to bring innovative digital technology to industry.
Financed to the tune of €40 million by the Pays de la Loire Region, this new facility will give the industry of the future a competitive advantage and build on the excellence of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire metropolitan area when it comes to new industrial manufacturing technologies.
©Pierre Minier - Région Pays de la Loire/Ouest Médias